Less then a month away… I’ll be in Las Vegas. WOOHOO, this will be my first ‘real’ vacation in a VERY long time, so I figured I’d go in style. Sadly all that really means is I traded in my old Motorola Razr V3mm to a new Samsung Omnia (pictured left) touch screen, Windows Mobile device.
I’ve tweaked the living hell out of it so it looks nothing close to that screenshot anymore and if I get really bored, I might post some screenshots taken right from the phone (via “My Mobiler”).
Oh, for those of you going “Hey, this post is just about the changing of a cell phone?” all I have to say is “Yeah, so what? I’m fucking bored, deal with it.” 😛
Now, details on my Vegas trip:
- Leaving March 10th (Afternoon)
- FRONT ROW tickets to Blue Man Group
- Going to see Penn & Teller
- Arriving home Marth 17th (Late Night)
Getting drunk and gambling at random times throughout