*What I’m Watching or Listening to Now*
I’ve been playing a bunch of Borderlands 2, so just catching up on some of the shows I missed while she’s at work… (Man, I wish I could afford to hire a maid). Another 2 hours of shows, then cleaning marathon until my back tells me to fuck off from the pain.
*Random Question* OR *Random Quote*
Is it wrong to pretty much lose ALL faith in the so-called justice system? How is it that die-hard druggies, scumbags, and all around ‘wastes of oxygen’ can do pretty much whatever the hell they want and continue to walk (or barely get a slap on the wrist) EVERY time they get caught… while someone else get shafted for what essentially boils down to a ‘wrong place/wrong time’ situation. Yes, almost everyone has something ‘bad’ in their past, be it some legal issues, possibly drug problems, or just simply things they are ashamed of and wish to keep secret. Human nature is a phrase that tends to mean many things because it all depends on multiple factors for each person, like morality, different levels of sympathy and empathy, as well as a laundry list of other stuff.
I’m obviously not going to name any person (and I’ll try my best to not give any details that would reveal their identity), but here’s a few things that make me wonder… feel free to comment on if you think justice was served or not, but please do not state (guess or otherwise) and person’s name.
Male, early 30’s, ex-Military… 3 years after they got out of the military (never in a ‘combat situation’) they got into a bar fight and beat a man to death. They claimed PTSD and got 2 years in jail (plus mandatory psych treatments).
Male, mid-30’s (now deceased), ex-Military… spent multiple tours in Iraq/Afghanistan (heavy combat situations). 2 years after getting out they were actively seeking help for legitimate PTSD. One night while driving home from the doctors, they had a flashback and thought the people walking on the sidewalk were enemy combatants. They swerved their vehicle to try to cut them off, hitting someone in the process. The man got out of the car and ran after a second person and started a fight. The cops thankfully were able to stop him pretty quick, but the person hit by the car got a broken leg and the other person ended up with a broken nose and jaw. After hearing what happened, the doctor went straight to the police to explain about his flashbacks and to pressed the fact that there were times he had NO clue what was going on and was literally reliving what he experienced over there. He was sentenced to 5 years in jail (no parole) and 3-5 years of probation. He died in jail about a year into his sentence.
Female, early 20’s… made some mistakes with drugs years ago and lost everything… She used that experience (with the help of friends) to totally turn her life around and become one of the most wonderful people I’ve ever met.
Male, unknown age… hired by a drug dealer to kill a person in a hit and run accident. They missed their target and instead killed a different person. They weren’t sentenced based on the fact that it was a death due to a contract kill and instead got 3-5 years for ‘accidental vehicular manslaughter’. <- This guy should have fucking fried... Yes, I believe in the death penalty in certain cases.
Female, early 20’s… got really drunk and sadly drove home (thankfully no accident). An hour or two later cops showed up at their door and said “Miss, have you been drinking?” she said “Yes” and they asked “Were you driving today?”, she responded “A few hours ago” (she never stated if she was drinking prior to driving or if she got drunk after she got home), they arrested her for DUI.
I originally had like 4 or 5 more that I was going to add to this, but I can’t really think of ways to word it without it pretty much giving away who it is, even without their name(s) listed, so I’ll end here.
*Dates* – B = Birthday; E = Event; W = Weekend; X = Closed
Holiday/Event | Date | Notes | Marker |
Sukkot | Sep. 30-Oct. 7 | X | |
Tamra’s Birthday | Oct. 5 | You may not know it, but you’ve saved my life | B |
Denise’s Birthday | Oct. 19 | B | |
My Birthday | Oct. 28 | I feel old… | B |
See new “Dates” area for a few details of office closings.
Due to my latest round of ‘full body seizures’, I’ve ironically regained the remaining feeling/movement in the last couple toes on my right foot. Which is a great thing, they claim if things keep continuing around this pace, I should be able to ‘free walk’ upwards of about 10-15 feet (without the cane) and without the constant feeling of falling by as early as May next year. It’s still going to take probably another year or two before I can actually just leave the cane home and ‘be free’ again, but it’s a great start.
I can’t remember what I’ve mentioned in the past about these types of seizures, but please note, these aren’t typical ones that you would associate with my health getting worse, instead what is essentially happening is due to the spinal injury that also fucked up a large nerve cluster in my back, these seizures boil down to the nerves trying to regenerate themselves, but my brain not understanding the bombardment of random signals all at once so my head just says “Um, we don’t know what he’s trying to do, just start moving everything and see what works?” which is pretty painful, but doesn’t last too long. The only regret I have about them is if they happen when I’m around certain people, like the last time it happened, I had previously told her about it and warned her what it ‘may’ look like, but I could it in her eyes that not only was she worried about me, but you could tell she even had some pain knowing there was nothing she could do to help me. I guess I should just be glad that I wasn’t laying down when it happened, cause it fucking hurts a lot worse that way… (it can get so violent that I tend to bounce on whatever surface I’m on, so I kind of get banged up in the process).
Still can’t afford to play musical chairs with my Verizon account to get the iPhone5, but I’m guessing by Hanukkah or Christmas at the latest. 🙂
I have a nice trip planned next week (Oct. 3rd) to help Tamra celebrate her birthday. Nothing overly special, but as long as she has a good time, that’s all that matters to me.
Looking for suggestions on some server upgrades, the 12TB just isn’t big enough anymore, but I’m unsure if I should fill the remaining bays in my JBOD tower with 2TB drives, or if I should pull some of the internal drives, move them to the JBOD and put 3TB drives internal (the JBOD caps the drives at 2TB, which is why I can’t put the 3TB’s in it). Either way, finances suck so it wont be until after the new year most likely (unless I have some kind of drive failure which would piss me off).
Fuck it, 6pm, I’m going to get dinner and get back to cleaning.