New framework, more surgery, other stuff

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A short one for a change… Told you she’d make me update more often. 🙂

I’m resurrecting the htpcPortal project and creating an entire framework around it, which can be found on my GitHub (listed as framework). For now, there’s just the initial config related stuff and the next part I’m working on will be the template system. I’ll talk about this a bit more and possibly do screen shots once I get farther along the project.

I think the medication I’ve been on for a couple months now has more ‘side effects’ than I was originally told about. The biggest one (other than weight gain) is the renewed sense of self… which is why I had the LASIK surgery just over two weeks ago and I’m scheduled for a consult with a surgeon on the 22nd for a different surgery that is long over due. I might talk about it more afterwards.

I’m going to be going on a ‘mini-vacation’ for the first time in years the beginning of May. Not exactly sure what I’m doing on the trip, but I’ll be in Pennsylvania for about 5 days with a friend while they visit family and I get to escape from reality while meeting new people.

Category: Misc.
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