So, I’ve been meaning to write again for awhile, not that many read this, but for those that do, you know I’m kind of a lazy bastard when it comes to this. Boo Hoo.
The point behind this post is that after I had my last back treatment I talked with my doctor and they are going to be making a cast of my left foot/ankle (I think up to about mid-shin range) to create a new form fitting brace per-se to help my body compensate for the differences cause to my balance and ability to walk that was caused by all the spinal damage I’ve suffered in the last three years. Sadly since I didn’t write this stuff down when I got home I’ve forgotten most of the important details, but I guess I’ll find out a better overview while I’m sticking my leg into the gel/paste/whatever they’re going to use on Wed. morning. In other words, I’ll write more or at least try to explain it better later this week. (Maybe some photos if I get really bored)
Ok, it’s just after 2am my local time Tuesday morning and I have a class in just under 9 hours, but this is my first one for “Unit 2” (second week of five) and got my grades for last week. I knew I had a good feeling about this 3D class since I’m carrying a perfect grade. After I finish this class I only have 5 left until I get my degree, so I’m really happy about that and if everything goes well I’ll be finishing a couple weeks before my birthday so I’m trying to come up with a sweet ass idea to celebrate my 30th birthday since most of mine in the past have kind of sucked.
I guess for the last point of this post (for now anyway) is if I get any more ‘good comments’ on a few of the stories I wrote for school, I might try to get a hold of my previous English Professor for more inspiration on how to continue the story, since the one I’m thinking of expanding was originally going to be broke into about six parts and I’ll create a new page on the blog to use for the story as I add/edit it until it’s finished since my Professor said I should look into Copyrighting it and possibly trying to find a way to get it published in something. (I’ll obviously copyright it before I post any of it on the blog)