I had originally written this post on the 10th and decided that I would put a copy into Microsoft Word so I could tweak things around a bit while writing… with some of my new medications I’m on I decided it couldn’t hurt to take a nap and finish it later, sadly, Windows Update kicked in that night and restarted the computer and broke Word’s Autosave feature, so I lost the post. It wasn’t until I was talking to Todd (the one I went to Nevada with) about Blogs and setting his back up that I realized there was an old version of this post in the drafts (missing about 80% of what I wrote) but talking with him reminded me to check a few other things on the main servers and I still have to do a lot of file moving and reprogramming of my main sites, sub-domains, etc. which will take awhile, if/when I can find the time.
I was sent more production equipment to review, but can’t really talk about those until after I’ve completed the reviews, etc. on them… but a few items I may just send back prior to review since (in my opinion) they suck so bad I can’t write a single positive about them.
On the personal gadget side, I’ve moved up from the original Droid to the new Droid X (not to be confused with the Droid 2 or Droid Incredible) and although the phone is physically bigger and doesn’t have the slide out keyboard that the original had, I love this phone so much better, the tactile response is better than I hoped. Thankfully I can use the same car charger and house charger with the new phone, but yet again I got screwed by a customer service rep that either doesn’t know to ask when they aren’t sure or just lied to me and stated that the nice ‘prop-stand’ case I got would be able to stay on the phone and have it still fit into the different docks they offer… It’s not that big of a deal, but having to rip off a $25 case and possibly break it EVERY time you want to put the phone into the Car Dock or even the Multimedia Dock (that provides direct HDMI to a TV) is just annoying as hell.
I have a few months before my next round of spinal treatments start back up (fucking insurance only covers one set of twenty per calendar cycle) but in the meantime; I’ve been able to consolidate my other doctors down to one main location that’s closer to home, saving me hassle and a shitload of gas. Going from a roughly 100 mile round trip multiple times a week to a less than 20 mile trip, even as frequent is still so much easier on me and my wallet.
The new term for college started on the 11th, so I’m back to classes again after a week break (not counting the ‘break’ I kind of ended up taking when I screwed up badly). Thankfully I only have one class this session and with the drop off in frequency for doctor appointments it shouldn’t be so bad this time… I shouldn’t have any problems this time around.
Sept. 7th, Darrin (Sorry I missed it last month)
Oct. 1st, Dan
Oct. 7th, Spanky McGee (useless bastard)
Oct. 19th, Denise
Oct. 23rd, Panda 😉 … and Krissy
Oct. 26th, My Grandfather David
Oct. 28th, My 30th birthday… See below for possible plans.
*Quotes of the moment*
These are NOT from/about me or anyone I know, they were pulled at random from the iPad app, “Texts From Last Night“:
#1: I licked the inside of a toilet bowl for $14. I really don’t want to talk about last night.
#2: Soup is NOT an acceptable meal before that many Jager Bombs…(Note: Jägerbomb)
#3: I’d like to personally thank you for not letting anyone puke in any of the salad bowls this time.
*Birthday Plans*
Either the evening of the 29th or 30th… (based on everyone else’s plans) but the idea is to head to Turning Stone for about an hour of gambling before dinner at the Emerald… followed by more gambling for those that stay…
Sadly because the Golf Course at Turning Stone is open essentially until November 1st, that means the rooms in the tower are EXPENSIVE as hell, so there goes the ‘real’ party. 🙁
I’ll write more on/around my birthday… 10 days left until I hit 30 🙁