Upgrades… and apologies

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I’ve had a bunch of things I’ve wanted to post about for a few weeks now but haven’t for a few reasons. First off, the two classes I mentioned in the last post ended on the 10th and I’ve been on ‘summer vacation’ since. The main problem with this is that a few weeks ago (Week 2 of those classes) a lot of shit went wrong and just kept getting worse.

Due to privacy I wont get into much, but I’ll just say her mother is doing better and will be released from the hospital this Friday (she’s been there for about a month) and some things will go back to normal. While I was helping her with her family medical issues I had a few more of my own and thankfully those have been taken care of (as far as I can tell). As I stated on my Facebook page I’ve started taking Anti-Depressants (about fucking time someone realized I needed them) and not sure if they’ve ‘kicked in’ yet since I was told it would take at least three weeks and that’s roughly how long I’ve been taking them so far. I have noticed that I don’t seem to feel as depressed, but I feel this weird melancholy where I keep getting an urge to go somewhere or do something, but once I get around to it, I don’t feel like doing it. It’s hard to explain but some really stupid things have made me feel kind of happy, yet other things that should, don’t…

Anyway, on to the title of this post…
I’ve been moving a lot of things around on the server to accommodate some new sites and new features so for the time being the sites will appear as normal when using the .net version, but the .com will show the new sites (as the DNS propagates). Once that’s completed I’ll switch the .net to match. I’m also upgrading this blog but there’s a small database issue (actually it’s more with DNS), so for now the new version will be on the .com until I import the database from this one (and edit this post)
More on the upgrades, etc. later

First, I’d like to apologize to Rebecca since she continued to be supportive through everything that was going on and I still screwed up… If the college sets it up so that you’re my instructor again I’ll do everything in my power to make up for it.
Angelica, Bernie, JP, Shawn, Ed, etc… Sorry I haven’t been around, obviously I’ve been busy. 🙁
Todd, Nick, Nathan, and anyone else that has called/txt’d lately when I haven’t responded… Deal with it… 😛

The above DNS proagation should be complete by 7am EST at the latest (my guess) and if I’m still awake I’ll attempt to finish and make another post with the rest of the info I planned on posting, including some photos and other stuff.

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